The 10 steps to happiness
I found the following list in a newspaper article, some researchers made some families follow these simple rules, and they admitted to feeling much better after the experiment was over. I think some of it we already apply to our everyday lives:
- Plant something and nurture it
- Count your blessings - at least five - at the end of each day
- Take time to talk - have an hour-long conversation with a loved one each week
- Phone a friend whom you have not spoken to for a while and arrange to meet up
- Give yourself a treat every day and take the time to really enjoy it
- Have a good laugh at least once a day
- Get physical - exercise for half an hour three times a week
- Smile at and/or say hello to a stranger at least once each day
- Cut your TV viewing by half
- Spread some kindness - do a good turn for someone every day
Ok, the first one I really don't apply, cos I'm not a planting guy, but I guess it does brighten up the apartment.
I definetly don't count my blessings, and that's something I should really change, cos I just focused on how fucked my life is, ad nauseum.
When it comes to talking to a loved one, I do it very single day for many hours, I'm the pro, hehe. And it does help a lot in improving your mood.
Now that I'm in Sweden, I've been calling up friends I haven't seen in 8 years, and it's interesting to say the least. Tomorrow I'm gonna meet one of my former best friends, Fred, and it's gonna be cool to see him after all these years.
Oh, treats is what it's all about. I treat myself to copious amounts of sleep, and chillaxing time.
Good laughs are my bread and butter.
No physical exercise whatsoever, in fact the gym is my vision of hell. Exercise is my kriptonite, and I know I'll have to start getting into shape when I approach my thirties... jeeez I'm old.
I'm pretty random when it comes to smiling at strangers. Sometimes I smile, sometimes I don't even acknowledge the person beside me on the elevator.
I didn't watch ANY tv for a year in Germany, and I have to say I don't miss it. Ok, I did cheat a bit, I watched Family Guy, Prison Break, 24, Lost, Entourage, Grey's Anatomy and Heroes on my laptop. But still, that's still only like 6 hours a week at the most. Instead of watching hours and hours of whatever crap is on.
I can't say I'm a very good samaritan, but it has to do more with the fact that I'm shy. I don't like to make contact with strangers. And people around me don't seem to need to much.
So I guess I'm doing pretty well. I dunno, I just don't feel as happy as I should.
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