Tuesday, July 04, 2006

The Strokes, Cologne and Switzerland - Ukraine

The Strokes kinda kicked ass, but not as much as I was hoping. I had to go all the way to Cologne, so my train ticket all by itself cost twice as much as my concert ticket, but oh well, it is Rock after all, and it'll take at least 109482095709275092850913 years before The Strokes set foot in Colombia.

They started with "Juicebox", and they played from what I can remember:
Izes of the World
Last Nite
Hard To Explain
Vision of Division
Heart In A Cage
You Only Live Once
And more....

Oh yeah, and the drummer threw his drum sticks, and my hand eye coordination prevented me from catching them, so the guy right next to me got them instead.

That's why I suck in sports, and that's why I suck in life.

Click on the pic if you want to see all the images from The Strokes, Cologne and Switzerland - Ukraine
The Strokes
Photobucket - Video and Image Hosting

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