This first photo was a pain in the ass to take. Since I didn't have a tripod with me I had to use my man-bag and my jacket to raise it just a bit off the floor and keep it steady. Since these shots require long exposures, I was standing there, alone cos my friends were two blocks away waiting for some people, with my camera on the ground.
Then a big dude comes up to me. He's hiding something behind his back, he asks for money.
I look down at my camera, I look at the guy, look at the camera again, and think to myself, "should I grab the camera and run, ignore him completely or give him money?". I wasn't sure if he had a knife or a gun behind his back, or maybe it was just cerebral palsy, whatever the case, that arm behind his back was making me uneasy.
I gave him 50 cents, he has thirsty afterall. "Gimme more", replied the guy. "Shit" I thought to myself, "he's gonna milk me for all I'm worth knowing I'm in a very disadvantegous position right now". While I'm debating what to do, another buddy of his comes up to me. Now I was really screwed. I give the dude 2 euro. He smiles and says "Merci!". Smiles, I smile back, they leave. Relief.
I hate situations like that. It's very flight or fight.