Wednesday, May 23, 2007
Saturday, May 19, 2007
Thursday Dinner, May 17th
Thought I'd try the Lomo look for these pictures, lemme know what you guys think of it.
More pics of the dinner to come later.
Peace out.
Posted by
5:49 PM
Labels: casual photos, photo
A Letter To My Future Wife
Haha, I don't even know your name, where you come from or what you look like. I probably haven't met you yet, although I secretly wish that I already have. And although this whole thing can be a bit weird, I do want to tell you that I know why my future self chose you....
He chose you because every time you looked into his eyes, and said that you loved him it ached. It ached due to the fact that it was so beautiful, because there is nothing more sublime than pain brought upon by beauty. The same pain he gets when sitting down to have breakfast, and she looks at him lovingly in all her morning glory. It aches. When she sings a song for him and puts it on a mixtape. It aches. When they're in a party, and she's talking to people, and he's talking to people, and from across the room she looks at him, and the once bustling room comes to a standstill. It aches. When she's sleeping peacefully, and he's looking at her sleep peacefully. It aches.
And please remember, when he says you're beautiful and he's looking straight into your eyes, it aches. That's how beautiful you are to him.
He married you because when he kisses you he feels a current flowing through him. When he makes love to you he intertwines his fingers with yours, and he looks deep into your eyes, and gets lost in them.
You are his wife because you saw in him what so many other women took for granted. What others thought they wanted, but not what they in fact needed. You saw in him what he lost in a sea of self doubt and teen angst. Teen angst that never quite fades. You've rescued him from those depths, and now he sails towards something entirely different. You're his compass now, you're his north, you're what he aims for in life.
He loves you and he wants your babies, 2 biological and one adopted. He wants to worship you, and he wants the both of you to put moments, self fulfillment and family above material posessions and climbing the corporate ladder.
He'll always be jealous, but he'll never admit it because he knows that letting someone loose and letting them come back on their own is the greatest expression of selfless love.
But apart from all that, apart from all the small details that compose a relationship, and create the fabric of our lives, you were his reason to live. When he finally dies you will know that his life only made sense to him when he met you, and after that it was only worth living with you by his side. And for the atheist that he is, you are the closest thing to a sign that god exists, and the hopes of spending an eternity with the person he loves.
Forever yours,
Alfonso Jaramillo
Posted by
3:19 AM
Labels: Good Read
Friday, May 18, 2007
Thursday, May 17, 2007
Wednesday, May 16, 2007
There's A Party in Sweden's Pants
OMG this was too funny.
"Clas Ohlson (Radio Shack), rippin' it to shreds motherfucker!"
Posted by
2:14 PM
Tuesday, May 15, 2007
Scattered Thoughts
I've been consumed with photography lately, taking my camera whenever I go out, and I must say I feel I'm progressing, slowly, but still, progressing. But lately I also feel like I've maybe ignored other aspects of the blog, and of my life. Playing guitar... it's been a while. I've also given up on some friends, but I think it's for the better....
I feel like I'm changing... people are changing me, especially women, for better or worse. It's hard to see if I've changed that much since I left Colombia, I can't be sure, but I can feel it. I wish someone who knew me very well before I left but that has had little to no contact with me in the last 14 months, and therefore wouldn't have grown accustomed to the new me, would just appear out of the ground, and tell me what he thought about the whole thing.
Nonetheless, I'm perceiving the world differently, I feel I'm becoming more flexible with my own morals, and I don't like it. I'm not some insane hedonist that's spiralled out of control, but I know I'm not being true to my idealistic self, a younger me who is definetly fading. Pragmatism is taking a firm grip on my core.
As far as confessions go, I must admit I'm very pragmatic when it comes to ideologies and disciplines, like economy, science and especially religion. But the one place untouched by pragmatism, an oasis of idealism as you will, is the place that lacks ideology in the first place, the heart.
I see this world through the heart, everything is submerged with feelings, I proyect it onto everything, feelings give this world color. Everything surrounding me is dipped in feelings, like a tin soldier being dipped in paint. God, I used to love casting those soldiers when I was little.
Nonetheless, I don't have plans on going back to my old self, if in fact I have changed. My old self suffers more. And I'm getting tired of it. Cos although I'm applauded for being good, I'm rarely if ever rewarded.
And another thing, how the fuck is it that I'm 24 already? Does that even make sense? I mean surely this must be a cruel joke from the universe, where did all this time go? It's just slipping through my fingers, and I'm left asking myself, should I be good, and be patient.... and patience means time.... so should I let time pass and keep being good, and live through an uneventful life? Or should I go crazy and live life recklessly as if it was going to end at any moment?
I don't know the answer to anything. All I know is that I want an intelligent smart, HOT girl, with whom I can cuddle, sleep, laugh, talk, fuck, eat, live and die with. That's what everything in this world boils down to, us following our hardwired desire to procreate and we make up elaborate excuses like philosophy, poetry, paintings, sonets, essays, love letters, BLOGS to justify it and make it sound like there's more to it than that. But in the end love is still procreation, and maybe love is that extra ooomphf that evolution has given us since mind numbing sex with just physical stimulus is not always a strong enough incentive for our species.
But then again, if that were true, and love is that extra incentive to procreate then why on earth, and eveything that is holy, do women say shit like,"I like you so much, that I think we should take it slow"?
This post just made as much sense as life does inside my head. Peace out.
Posted by
9:17 PM
Global Warming
Posted by
9:11 PM
Labels: photo
Monday, May 14, 2007
Saturday, May 12, 2007
Hani Skillz
(these were not taken by me!!!)

Posted by
4:59 PM
Labels: casual photos
Friday, May 11, 2007
Weight Loss - Thanks to Photoshop
Posted by
10:21 AM
Sunday, May 06, 2007
Saturday, May 05, 2007
I'm starting to see a pattern in some of my photos...
Posted by
12:27 AM
Labels: photo
Thursday, May 03, 2007
this is a dog story...
You all know I'm a sucker for dogs, but this got me chocked up on the bus ride to work.
This is one of the articles:
It's about a plucky little Jack Russell terrier named George, who stood like a giant against two marauding pit bulls and gave his own life to save five kids from the steel-trap jaws and razor-sharp teeth of the vicious attack machines.
Local officials say it's also a story about the people who trained the pit bulls to kill and who may have fed the animals methamphetamines to make them even more deadly.
The tragedy unfolded Sunday afternoon on New Zealand's North Island, in the town of Manaia, where a group of children — and George — were walking back from a trip to the candy store.
Out of nowhere, the children told police, the two pit bulls lunged at them.
One of the kids, Richard Rosewarne, 11, told the local paper that George never backed down against the pit bulls, doggedly refusing to let the them get at his little brother, 4-year-old Darryl.
"George tried to protect us by barking and rushing at them, but they started to bite him — one on the head and the other on the back," Rosewarne said. "We ran off crying and some people saw what was happening and rescued George."
It was too late, however, to save the little 9-year-old terrier. Steven Hopkinson, the veterinarian who treated George, said the dog's wounds were the worst he'd seen. Putting him down, Hopkinson said, was the only option.
For Allan Gay, George's owner, the loss is especially devastating. He lives alone and George had been his faithful companion for seven of his nine years, inheriting the pup when neighbors moved away.
"These two pitbulls rushed up and were going for the little boy," Gay said, choking back tears. "George went for them, it's what he would do. He didn't stand a chance, but I reckon he saved that boy from being chewed up.
"If it wasn't for George, those kids would have copped it," Gay said.
"George was brave," Gay said, as each of the kids held a photo of the little pup they'll never forget. "He took them on and he's not even a foot high. ... He jumped in on them, he tried to keep them off."
And, he gave his life doing so.
Posted by
12:10 PM